Thursday, January 7, 2010

OK: what have...

...I learned?

That I need to shoot a lot more wrestling so I have some better feel as to what is The Real Moment(tm), so I don't shoot so bloody many photos.

I shot over 1,400 photos at Rockbusters wrestling, and over 1,700 at the Rock Island Tournament.

Part of the problem is that wrestling is characterized by relatively long periods of isometric inactivity, punctuated by relatively brief moments of very fast action.

So I have a tendency to start shooting as soon as someone flinches.

Combine that with my general policy of shooting everyone, and not just the stars, and combine that with the fact that the Rockbusters tournament went about six hours long, and the Rock Island Tournament went almost nine hours, and I get an almost-unwieldy number of photos to wade through.

Basically after the RAW files are burned to DVD I load half of them onto one Window$ box, and half onto the second Window$ box I have.

I do the post-processing (RAW conversion with exposure compensation; then rotating, cropping, levels adjustment and saving the resulting file as a tiff) on these two separate Window$ boxes, switching back and forth via a KVM (keyboard-video-mouse) switch, so I can keep the process moving along just about as fast as possible.

But it still takes a while...


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